Can we have a moment and freak out about it being 2016?
I'm not kidding when I say that 2015 started yesterday and that it didn't last a full year. It was like two weeks long. Don't try and change my mind on that issue.
Nevertheless, the world keeps saying that it's 2016 and that I should embrace that, so right now I shall try.
We'll see how that goes.
I feel like it's been so long since we talked, and to say that I missed blogging is kind of an understatement. It was physically hard for me not to write. I actually started writing in my diary again to try and compensate for not blogging. (Something that apparently I didn't do since November 17th 2014... *Cough Cough.*)
I missed you guyssssss...
But now I'm back, and I feel a bit better about scheduling and life in general.
I've wavered back and forth as to what I would like the main message of this post ought to be.
Should I be funny and make a list of "New Years Resolutions" that we all know I won't keep, or try to recap what December was like?
I think I'll go with the later, then kind of share where the heart of Noteworthy is going to go.
We traveled quite a bit to visit family, I went to work 5 times a week, went ice skating, made new friends, scrolled through Pinterest (*cough cough*) went Christmas Shopping... A lot of good things happened. On Monday I'm going to show some of the pictures I've taken throughout the month as a "Winter Photography" type thing.
The only bad thing that happened was that Marie VanLaptop died on December 15, 2015. May she rest in peace and not drown in my tears of mourning over her.
To counter the bad news about Marie, there is a new member of the VanElectronic family on the way! His name is Dil and he's coming any time this coming week. I'M SO EXCITED. (To clarify, a new device. I name everything.)
December was also very full of caffeine.
*Cough Cough.*
So yeah. That was fun.
The Noteworthy of 2016 will probably be a little bit different then the Noteworthy of the past couple years.
I am still hoping to post twice a week, but that might not happen all the time. If it's not possible, I'll post something on the Facebook page. (*Plug Plug*)
I have a few goals that are as follows:
I want to get you guys more involved.
In February I would like to do a section called "Finding Jesus In..." written by you guys.
Maybe you're a dancer, how do you find Jesus in studio?
Maybe you're a singer, how do you find Jesus on stage?
Maybe you're a stay at home student, how do you find Jesus when your siblings are out to murder you?
Maybe you're a banker, a police officer, a graffiti artiest, a... whatever. How do you find Jesus in your everyday life? (Ok if you're a graffiti artiest, we might need to have a talk.)
So that's one of the things I want to do. Another thing I want to make you guys laugh. I would like Noteworthy to be a place you can come to get your mind off craziness of the world, and to laugh and refocus on Jesus.
That's all I can think of for now.
How was your Christmas? Did you do anything fun? How is your family doing? Any advice on how to get a cat to calm down? What are your goals and objectives for the New Year?
*Stops self before things get to out of hand.*
I've miss you guys and I'm so glad to be back.
In Christ alone,
~Rachel Joy