Notes on Remembering

I have a lot of very fond memories. Moving away from the city I’ve lived in my whole life has brought so many of those to light.

On the last day of co-op a couple years ago, I found myself remembering looking at my class room with one of my best friends just thinking about what the future could hold. I don’t think either of our 14 year old brains could have come up with anything close to what’s been going on.

My house… oh my word… my house.

Starting with my bedroom,  I can remember many nights of friends over at my house sharing dreams and visions on my bed (and staying up way too late.) The one time I fell asleep painting my nails with my friend Sarah. Singing “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” with my Chummy… Playing dress up on warm spring afternoons with my lifelong friend Richele… Talking on the phone about life while draped over my bed… Drawing pictures, dreaming crazy dreams and writing.

The living room that-up until recently-I had pegged out every blogpost that I published while sitting on the olive green couch. The living room that had the refrigerator in it while we remodeled the kitchen. The place where I’ve practiced piano for the past 8 years, and the place where we’ve had countless bookclubs, birthday parties, and other various social events.

So many random memories.

The power of memory is one that I hold dear. I love going back and remembering the smiles and laughs of the past. It’s… crazy to think of all the things that have happened over my life.
It’s crazy to think that all those crazy things where God things and that he held them all in the palm of his hand.

I once heard a quote that went something along the lines of, “As humans, we choose to remember what we should forget and forget what we should be striving to remember.” I don’t remember who said it, or where it’s from, (does anyone else see the irony in that?) but it was a pretty deep thought.

Because I do the same thing. 

Sometimes all I can remember is the hard things, the pain and the affliction that I’m supposed to be remembering to try and vanquish. Sometimes all I can think about is the same things that I should be forgetting.

Not just forgetting those memories, but choosing to replace them with the light and hope of Jesus. Remembering that the pain and affliction can be overcome by the one who overcame the world. Remembering that the King of Glory is holding me in his hand and that he loves me beyond what I can ever fathom (even though I tend to mess up, and I am in no way perfect.)

It’s just hard for me to remember that God is a sovereign God over all of my life.

“As humans, we choose to remember what we should forget and forget what we should be striving to remember.

We forget about the God that is bigger than our fears, we forget about the life that he gives by his power.

We forget that our sins are thrown as far as the East is from the West and that he is wrapping his arms around us and holding us close through the hard times…

That is why I think God tells his people in Isaiah 46:9 to “Remember what happened long ago. Remember that I am God, and there is no other God.  I am God, and there is no one like me.

To just remember him and that there is no one like him…

“Remember the miracles he has done, his wonders, and his decisions." ~1 Chronicles 16:12

~Rachel Joy

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